Monday, November 15, 2010

I Stand in Awe

I love clouds, I think they are the most beautiful things that display the glory of God. Unfortunately I live where clouds are very rare. But probably a month ago God blessed me and all my surrounding neighbors with the most beautiful artwork...lots and lots of clouds. All I wanted to do was stare at them but since life still has to go on I decided to take some pictures. And you know it's just pure amazing to be faced with God's glory. "The heavens declare the glory of the Lord." But what is more amazing is that the God who created those clouds, the God who controls all things knows my name. Not only knows my name but is my Father through Jesus Christ. It's only because of Him I can stand in awe. This past Sunday we had the Lord's Supper and I was just blown away that a holy God, a perfect Father, a righteous Savior would even consider who always sin against Him. Me who rather go on facebook than read and meditate on His word. Me who is soooooo unfaithful. Oh the beauty of Jesus and His unfailing love. Oh the joy of knowing that He will never let me go and has called me out of darkness. My heart rejoices and is broken. Thank you Jesus for everything...thank you Jesus for choosing me...I truly truly do not deserve it.

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