Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflection of 2014

Today is the last day of 2014 and honestly it seemed like this year flew by so fast.  I still remember being January and I was celebrating my birthday in San Diego with some good girl friends.  Many things happened in 2014 but one thing that I did learned was that in one year a lot can change.  Not just in circumstances but also with how one thinks and feels.  I think this is the year that God has been showing a lot about who I am and who I am becoming.  I think throughout the years it was just easy to go with the flow of what is going on and how people think.  But it was this year that I had a lot of alone time since both girls are in grade school and I had to consider things and figure out what the Lord is calling for my life.  Let's first recap...I used #365daysofbarrettfun to capture the different adventures that my family went on within this year.  Some were small like having a picnic or going to the library and others were grand like going to Italy and seeing Jireh and Laura in London.  But throughout those adventures there was one thing that constantly stuck out...God allowed me to have many adventures with three awesome people. 
  • January -- Turned 35 years old and took some girls along with my family trip to San Diego to get away from the "normal" life and celebrate with those who I hold dearly.  Also met up with Alanna's family since we share a birthday.  We also celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary, wow it's been 7 years that's insane.
  • February -- Family vacation to Rome, which was awesome to see so many historical sites, and then drove to Florence to eat amazing Italian food and see more beautiful buildings.  Ending the trip with familiar face and meeting his girlfriend then Laura.  It was awesome just spending some hours with them and seeing some beauty of London, can't wait to go back for their wedding.
  • March -- Celebrated God's faithfulness in Caleb's life for 31 years (yes he's younger then me). 
  • April -- finishing up correcting my thesis, oh boy that was a long process to go through but it was still awesome to finally complete something that I started before I got married.   Ran a 5K for the first time hubby with Danika Care organization at Donate for Life annual 5K.  It was a great feeling to push myself to do something that was out of my norm. 
  • May -- I'm pretty sure homegirl Melody stopped by for a visit and I was all smiles hanging out and seeing her face #movetocalialready
  • June -- The girls got out of school, K finishing Preschool and S finishing 1st grade.  They were very excited for summer being here.
  • July -- Had a getaway with my husband to Santa Barbara, that was his father's day gift, while the girls were with their grandparents seeing the fireworks on the 4th.  This was also the first time we were away from our girls during a holiday.  It was awesome just focusing on each other and not on other things.  My baby girl turned 5 as well with her NOT Dora party but a DocMcstuffin party.
  • August -- Went to Hawaii for the second time and we decided to not bring strollers which freed us so much.  The girls were big this time and they enjoyed it more this time around then last time.  We even went on a hike and saw a water fall which was awesome. Also enjoyed Big Bear with our community group and then the girls started school once again. 
  • Sept. -- Started watching my nephew Mattox while big brother Nico went to school =( But can't complain because Mattox is my cuddle buddy and he has so much personality.  
  • October -- Started to have Disney dates with my hubby on Fridays when he is off since girls were in school.  Also our big girl turned 7 (or 17) with her last big party. Both girls started to get awards from school and other competition, I'm one proud mama.
  • November -- Had a thankful thanksgiving with family and friends.  
  • December -- Girls are on their 3 week winter break which consisted of many Disneyland adventures and celebrating the birth of Jesus with many family and friends.
So as you can see many things happened throughout the year and God has been showing me how to love different people during different seasons of life.  Many moments in my life has been around my family and there were some glimpses of going with different friends here and there.  And I'm realizing that I want to truly distinguish those who ARE my friends.  So many people use that world lightly especially with social media making everyone your friend on FB even though you may not know them or talk to them.  But with reality that some people who I thought were friends are not showed me that I can't put my happiness or worth on "friends" and what they think about me.  I need to find my joy in Jesus and that is constant.  Jesus no matter what will always be there for me...even family at times disappear from your life.  But those that God has put in my life I want to cherish them and serve them.  I want to show them Jesus' love with my actions and words.  I want to make a difference in their lives and truly further His kingdom.  I want Him to expand my horizon stop staying in a bubble that I have been in for the longest time.  I want to love people who God has called me to love even when they do not deserve it.  People hurt people, they sin against each other and they back-stab each other and try to justify it with their words and actions.   I will not be ok with that even when others will...if loving them means showing them their sins and going against the grain then so be it even if people do not agree with me.  I want God to be glorified and not try to make someone feel ok with their actions.  This is how I'm going to love people...2015 will show me who are my true friends more pity party or having a depression episode. 

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