Monday, November 4, 2019

It's the little things

This past Thursday my family went out to go trick or treating and I found myself getting sad.  For the longest time we have always done trick or treating with other families with us and yesterday we were on our own.  Little moments like that makes me miss West Covina.  I got sad that we didn't get to see my goddaughter and her mom while dressed up.  Going to her church to do some trunk or treat and walking around their neighborhood going from house to house.  Then I realized it's the little things of my life back in West Co that gets me sad.  Nothing grand or amazing events but the little things that we take for granted.

Going to Target or doing errands together just because you and a friend are both free.  Checking out new brunch places and talking about random things while the kids are at school.  Yelling and cheering on your friend's kids while they perform for their school or group.  Someone texting in a group chat that they are going to eat at a specific location and people showing up to join them.  People going to your house and only giving you a 10 min notice.  Having Sunday evening dinners with families just because everyone is hungry and our kids love playing with each other.  It's the little moments that I had with people that made me feel like I was part of a bigger family and not just the 5 of us. Usually during the week I wouldn't see people everyday, but it's those random days when I do, those are the moments I miss.

It's hard to be on your own in a new town not knowing anyone.  Like KNOW them.  Friends who I grew up with recently visited us and stayed with us.  It felt so good just laughing and joking around with them.  Knowing all the inside jokes and stories.  I miss being in a room with familiarities.  Just little things like that, little feelings like that is what I miss the most, what makes me sad the most.  I'm very grateful that the Lord guided us towards a loving church family, but I'm still getting our feet wet and getting to know everyone and they are getting to know us.   And I know it's going to take some time and I need to be patient but after having a close community for a very long time, having friends who saw me as a stupid high school student, dating Caleb, getting married and most of them being in our wedding, and then being part of my kids life is hard...making friends is hard.

I can't put a certain type of expectation on people I meet here because I know that's unfair.  They didn't grow up with me so I know it's going to be different...but different isn't bad and I have to be okay with that.  I have to be open to the fact that my community here won't be the same community back in West Covina.  I have to be grateful for however it looks like.  The culture here is different, the people here are different but one thing I know for sure that the Lord is still the same here as He is in West Covina.  I know that the Lord's plans are perfect and He has a great plan for His glory when He moved us here.  So I will rest on that truth and know that although I get sad sometimes I know that God is awesome and I can always turn to Him.

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