Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My vbs journey.

The first time I was an official staff for CFBC was when a now 21 year old girl was 5 years old at that time. I still remember not knowing what I was doing and me and my assistant would just get lost during the day. Every year when summer would come around there I would be volunteering my time to serve, taking a week off from work so I can serve and getting excited to serve. I've experienced three different directors, seen many many teachers leave and witnessed a lot of ppl stepping up. 

I remembered when majority of the teachers were the adults and then it transitioned to young adults and finally many college and youth people.  God has allowed me to be part of vbs for many years. He allowed me to witness a handful of kids get understanding the truth and more importantly accepting and trusting the truth. I've danced and sang countless songs with their actions. Jesus to the Rescue is by far still one of my favorite theme song. 

And here I am serving on staff another year but this year it's different. I don't know if it's because I'm older now or I've done this ministry for years but this year I didn't know if vbs was something I wanted to do. I will admit last year was a big discouragement that shook me but I felt like vbs was moving away from what it was suppose to be about, the gospel. I witness through the years how vbs started to be the "cool" thing ppl did and joined so they didn't feel left out. It seemed like the staff were thinking about each other than the lost souls that were entering the doors. It felt more like a big production rather than sharing the good news. Did I become calouse towards vbs? I think so and I was struggling with if I wanted to still serve. 

I remembered one thing my friend told me long time ago when I was part of the youth ministry, "don't just complain about it, do something to change it." So with much prayer and pondering about this summer and talking to various ppl I considered doing something about it rather than just sitting back and complaining. But I wasn't sure how excited I would be when vbs came. I asked to be an assistant and went from there. 

I was faithful to the ministry, did my homework, when to the meetings and fundraiser but I still didn't know how my heart would be. Then God showed me and in the most gentle and loving way. He took me away for 7 days from all the preparation, planning, decoration, and 2 actual days during vbs. I thought being away wouldn't make me feel anything for this ministry I wasn't sure I wanted. He knew what I needed and it wasn't to be Not on staff. I was missing home and vbs prep. I was wishing to be there the first day seeing and hearing the kids excitement as they learn the new theme and see the puppets. I yearned to get to know the kids my class to be intentional and hopefully help them see Jesus. 

Although vbs may have changed with staff and students, I see and hear the gospel being proclaimed and I need to know and believe that God uses imperfect beings for an eternal purpose. So many years God has been glorified for a week during the summer. Jesus has been proclaimed and prayerfully kids will be saved. I need to stay focus with what really matters and do my part for the gospel. I don't know when God will take me out of this ministry but it is His choice and timing to do so...not mine. 


Translated: UnderTheSun said...

Praise God for your vaca to refresh you! yay!

Julian Leong said...

I think about my leaders and teachers as a kid, I recall imperfections, poorly taught lessons, and other things that perhaps made them unqualified for the job. As a student and later young volunteer I remember looking forward to it because for one glorious week the other kids at church and I were closer than ever. You're right, God used these imperfect people to do His work. I enjoyed this post a lot. Thanks for sharing!

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