Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Knowing God by J.I. Packer - book study

I've joined this book study via facebook that is hosted by Tim Challies on Knowing God by J.I. Packer.  I'm not too sure if I read the whole book before but I do know I have read the beginning chapters.  It's awesome book to read but it's awesome to read it with other people who likes to post their comments and thoughts through the group.  I've been reminded a lot through the author and different comments. And although I can always share my thoughts via comments on the group page I find it is much easier if I blog about it.  Hopefully I am discipline enough to read through the book with the's a great accountability reading with other people.

We just finished chapters 3-4 and although I can not comment on everything that I learned or was reminded of I will highlight the things that stuck out.  

Chapter 3 ...Packer says, "What matters supremely is not the fact that I know God, But the larger fact which underlies it - the fact that He knows me." When I read that I was very humbled (ok this is what I also felt when I read chapter 1-2).  The God of the universe, who created the heavens and the earth...who existed before the foundation of the world knows me.  Why me?  It brings to my mind the verse Psalms 8:4, "what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" That's insane right?  Sometimes it's a bit scary to understand this...He knows everything about me, all my ins and outs, all my dark secrets and my sins.  It's easy to hide from the world what you are thinking and who you really are but it's also humbling to know that God knows everything about me and yet He loves me.  That's mad grace right there.  I don't deserve such goodness and love; I have done nothing to earn such a grace but yet because of who He is He has given me that grace.  How can I not love Him and trust in Him?

I remember when I was in college and I thought I had everything planned out.  What I wanted to do and who I wanted to marry after college.  I thought I figured it out all on my own because you know that's what life is all about...figuring out what you are suppose to do and who you are suppose to marry.  But God changed all that...and at the time it changed I was so angry and frustrated.  I couldn't see anything, I wasn't in control of my life...But He was and He knew exactly what He wanted me to do and who He wanted me to marry.  I always remembered Proverbs 16:9, "the mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." I was planning and directing in college...but He knows me...He knows what is best for me even when I don't see it or trust it.  He knows what will bring me the most Joy in Him even when at the moment I'm sad.  It's so awesome to have that peace and understanding that no matter what happens in my life, no matter how much I question why things happen...He Knows.  He knows everything about His children.

This brings joy to my heart.  This brings me a delight to my soul knowing that all things that I go through, all the trials that I face, all the hardship that I hear from other sisters and brothers in the Lord is what is best for them, even when we don't understand it.  The beautiful promise of Romans 8:28 is true, "and we know that all things work together for good, to those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose."  

I need to cling to His promises and trust in Him.  I need to know Him more and more and not just know about Him.  Praise the Lord for He is a gracious and good God.

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